Drink some Java and enjoy some weird ass, deep, cool poetry! I remember you falling asleep in my lap in your mom's car. I remember how peaceful and hansome you looked I remember when you piled those stuff animals on my face so all you could see was my nose I remember how we rubbed noses and how you outlined my face with your fingers I remember lying on your couch, in yours arms memorizing your face I remember talking on the phone with you for hours I remember you kissing me softly and telling me words of hope I remember.... ~Kymmiekat, Outside Writing on the wall as I face you do you see me? I see you but do I really see you or just Writing on the wall roses are red and violets blue man, I don't even like you in fact, I hate your guts because you're just Writing on the wall I'm walking down this hallway and I see this light As I reach for it, it disappears, it's just Writing on the wall in my mind's eye, I can fly but shooting stars drag me down and I fall to the ground because it's just Writing on the wall ~by Kymmiekat, Outside of Society I look into the mirror and see my face I stare into my eyes deeply gazing then look and see myself for the first time in someone else's eyes I see what I am and I smile knowing that I'll be alright ~Kymmiekat, Outside of Society I am God I am Satan I am the holy trinity I am the demons I am the angels they are a part of me something I made up I am the sun, the moon, the stars they are a part of me I am the grass, the trees, the rocks, the dew They are also a part of you, as the same that you are a part of me We are everything, everything is us I am the hated, the hater I am the loved, I am the lover I am the bringer of life I am the bringer of death I am the known I am the unknowable I am closed I am open I am filled I am empty I have no religon I am the religon I am bright I am dark I am the are, were, could have been, may be, and will never be I am pleasure I am pain I am the contradictor I am the contadiction ~Kymmiekat, Juniper Book I
I wish to swim in the music of myself To be in tune with my true self To find the harmony within us all and sing the song of my sould Scream it out loud, twist it, marr it, let it heal Show it to those who wish to see it and those who dont Show it to the world, then keep it for me to wonder at ~Kymmiekat, Outside of Society I know this is out of order but this is my newest poetry!
Faery wings made of moonlight silk dancing on the shoulder blades of my dreams dueling the ink stained doubts inside my mind honey dipped souls swirl around me in a milkshake frenzy sugar spun halo melts on my molten forehead strung out eyes stare deep upon me intensly ripping at my soul mile colored glow forms around me making the pain turn to mouse colored dust I look down at my rust hair the world blends into it it's all a flame
Razor tipped words cut walls inside Rough edged emotions fill each nook and crany Sweet laughter expanses the evaprates from brittle tense heat Invisable bars filters dwey pink warmth Copper streajed blond flames throughout the chalky shell burnt end meet bit down tongues unspoken whispers echo in outer space Broken winged angels soar in fogged wind Rest upon broken glass color shimmers sparks and breaks Journeys by pathways are cut down with razors addictive kiss blunt the knife Anger warms the soul lit fire flaming pupils bring up the falling branches Ladybug dances fill the night All caged and chained by the ruling thumb of life The musian's mind never sleeps Sleep bidden eyes blike brightly talking of things that make up his soul Unshaven face makes the music of life The crazyness of it all Two lives, two faces is what we see dice is what he lives by snake eyes can fly computer keys and guitar strings flashes through his minds eyes Ludicrous words flow out of his mouth Now when walking down the hall another person shines through the gray mass Deep Inside Wind and waves flap at my feet I am a goddess this is my heart beat The wind beats my heart and soul Crescent moon reflects across the stream as it flows Red orange sunsets blue hazy mountains shining falling stars marble stone fountains My eyes are the world I am the love and happiness taste my lips and their sweetness I'm within the earth watching things grow I'm in your mind whispering the things you know Butterflies and rainbows swirl about me Deep and dark inside my soul like the quivering sea Magick and faeries half smiles and eclipes wathc through the forest fireflies join with us Wind and Waves flap at my feet I am a goddess this is my heartbeat